Suzy Foundation

Assisting individuals with special needs

Our Story

Our inspiration behind the Suzy Foundation began when Jaime and Jeremy welcomed their first-born daughter Suzanne Marie (Suzy). She was born October 3rd, 2006, weighing only 4lbs 11oz.   Suzy was tiny but checked all the boxes in order to leave the hospital. They were excited for this new journey as parents.   

Suzy’s first year of life was full of discovery, growth, precious moments, and endless love.  Before Suzy turned one, we noticed she wasn’t hitting typical milestones. Such as waving, saying mama and dada or even walking. Then at her one-year checkup they were told that they would need some outside help for Suzy to catch up. A few months later Suzy then experienced her first grand mal seizure. 

After several visits with doctors and therapists they had answers. Suzy was diagnosed with Epilepsy, developmentally delayed, nonverbal, and Autism. This wasn’t the expectations they had as new parents. Instead of play dates Jaime was scheduling therapies, doctors’ appointments and monthly weigh-ins.  They had to change their mindset as typical parents to now raise a child with special needs.  They knew this was going to be challenging but they wanted to do everything in our power to maximize her potential

In 2011 Jaime and Jeremy were discussing their current battle of being denied orthotic braces for Suzy since it was considered cosmetic and not medically necessary. It was a moment that they couldn’t understand as parents. How is being able to walk not considered medically necessary? 

After this experience we wanted to make a difference in the lives of those facing similar challenges. This was the start of the Suzy Foundation.  We gathered up some friends and family who shared the same love we had for our special community. 

Every month we met at our dinner table, thinking of ideas on how to raise money, and accomplish our goal.  Through hard work and creative thinking, the Suzy Foundation became a reality. 

Meet Our Suzy Foundation Recipients

What We Do

We are dedicated to helping individuals with special needs with the cost of equipment not covered by insurance. 

Who we are

We are mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends neighbors and community members who want to make a difference to enrich the lives of individuals with special needs. Our hope is that all people may have the same opportunities despite challenges and disabilities.   

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